
What Is Included In Guest Register

Guest Registration

Guest registration is nothing but recording the guest'southward information for official purposes. At the time of reservation, the front office staff asks the guests to enter their personal information on the GRC.

Registration activity is mandatory for both; the invitee with reserved accommodation besides every bit for the walk-in guest. During registration, the guest is required to enter of import information on the GRC such as invitee name, contact number, purpose of stay at the hotel, and passport and visa details in example of foreign guest. It is the responsibleness of the front end office staff not to reveal the guest information to unauthorized persons.

Permit us learn more than nigh registration.

Pre-registration Procedure

This procedure involves the prospective guests enquiring near the availability of desired type of accommodation. Registration tin besides exist conducted in accelerate before arrival. Information technology tin be done via telephonic chat in case of frequent guests, VIPs, or group guests.

In example of new walk-in guest, pre-registration is absent as at that place is no prior interaction between the guest and the hotel. Pre-registration action accelerates the actual registration process where the desired adaptation is marked every bit reserved.

Verifying Guest'south Identity

Since terror attacks on nine/eleven, the hotels are mandatorily verifying guests' identities. The staff verifies guest's identity starting time past politely asking the invitee'southward name. The staff member and then requests to show a photo ID such as driving license or a valid identity bill of fare from a well-known system where the invitee is working. If the guests are from a foreign land, the staff requests them to prove passport. The staff member is authorized to ask any verifying questions politely.

The true copies of the passport or ID card are fabricated to verify the guest's identity and to ready guest database.

Registration Carte Typical Format

Post-obit is a typical format of a registration menu −

Registration Carte
Reservation Number:
Hotel Name:
Hotel Address:
Contact Number:



Guest Name:
Mobile Number: Landline Number:
Arrived from:
Passport Details: Visa Details:
Date of Consequence: Date of Issue:
Appointment of Decease: Date of Decease:
Place of Issue: Place of Issue:
Visa Type:
Payment Option: Cash Card Check
Carte du jour Type: Visa Master Other

Card Details:

Carte Number:

Appointment of Death:

Hotel Policies:
Guest Signature Front Role Signature

Creating Registration Record

When the guests arrive at the hotel, the forepart desk-bound staff hands over the GRC to the guest to fill up up the information. In case of VIPs, the staff enters the information on the menu and receives the invitee's signature.

The staff then creates a registration record of the guest, countersigns, attaches the truthful copies of the passport or other ID cards, and files this fix in the guest history file. The guest reservation record is created as a registration record in the software system.

Establishing Payment Method

Guests tin pay in advance or at the fourth dimension of checking-out. Those who have paid in accelerate are put under Paid-In-Accelerate (PIA) list. In that location are diverse modes of payment out of which a manner that guest prefers is recorded at the time of registration. Following payment methods are available −

  • Greenbacks Payment (which besides include coin gild, travelers' bank check).
  • Credit Card/Debit Card Payment (which are accepted simply if the cards accept not expired).
  • Cheque Payment (where post-dated cheques are not accepted).
  • Direct Billing.
  • Special Payment such as souvenir bill of fare and voucher.
  • The guests demand to select ane of the options of payment at the time of registration.

Assigning an Accommodation

The front end office staff assigns an accommodation to the guest merely when the registration is consummate. The staff fellow member records the accommodation number into the PMS and describes about its positive attributes briefly.

The reservations staff likewise informs the bell-male child to take the invitee luggage.

Issuing Room Keys or Access Code

After the accommodation is assigned, the forepart part staff gives away the keys or the computerized secret code keys for accessing the adaptation.

It is a general practice to not to speak anything about the room number or the computerized key loudly while giving it to the invitee. The bell bellboy and so assists the guest with luggage handling to the accommodation and explaining the accommodation features. The attendant then gives the keys to the guest, greets for best stay, and leaves the accommodation by endmost the door.

Handling Special Requests

If the invitee is not satisfied with the accommodation for any unsatisfactory or unpleasant reasons, the bell attendant tin can bring this to the notice of the forepart desk-bound staff. In add-on, if the guest has special requirements such every bit a cradle for a baby or hot h2o pocketbook or a shaving kit and alike, the front office staff is obliged to fulfil the asking on time.

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